Doctoral Symposium 

Session 1

10.30-10.40: Welcome/intro
10.40-10.55: Daniel KressnerA Toolbox for Event-based Applications (98)
10.55-11.10: Suad SejdovicUsing Partial Pattern Fulfillment to predict the Future (102)
11.10-11.25: Medha ShahParallel Scalable High Performance Publish Subscribe Systems (96)
11.25-11.40: Benjamin ErbTowards Distributed Processing on Event-sourced Graph (97)
11.40-11.55: Shengjie GongA Performance Model on Stream Processing Systems (104)
11.55-12.10: Shweta KhareDistributed Reactive Processing: Research Roadmap (108)
12.10-12.25: Jörn SchumacherInterfacing Detectors and Collecting Data for ... (103)
12.25-12.30: Wrap up



Session 2

13.30-14.30: Feedback on presentations and preparing pitches
14.30-14.40: 7 pitches
14.40-15.00: Student feedback and wrap up

Paper assignment

Daniel Kressner: 102, 103
Suad Sejdovic: 97, 103
Medha Shah: 98, 108
Benjamin Erb: 102, 104
Shengjie Gong: 97, 96
Shweta Khare: 98, 104
Jörn Schumacher: 96, 108
Maarten van Steen / Anders Andersen
DEBS 2015 Doctoral Symposium Chairs